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Immune Boost
  • Immune Boost

    Excluding Sales Tax

    Feeling run down and susceptible to every bug going around? It's time to reinforce your immune army with Immune Boost - a potent, immune-boosting blend that supercharges the body's natural defenses.


    This medicinal blend harnesses the legendary immune-boosting properties of exotic island ingredients like soursop, starfruit, noni, astragalus, oregano, and lemon peel. Together, these island immune-boosters provide full-spectrum protection against illness and infection. Just a few drops of Immune Boost each day naturally reinforces your body's defenses.


    1oz: 1oz
    • Ingredients: Noni+, Guanabana+, Starfruit+, Astragalus*, Oregano*, Lemon Peel*, Grain Alcohol*



      Suggested Use: Take 15 drops up to 2x daily. Can be used for daily support or to bolster immune response during flu season.

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